


This organization shall be known as the ASIAN AND AUSTRALASIAN SOCIETY OF NEUROLOGICAL SURGEONS, (hereinafter designated as ”The Society”).

ARTICLE II – Purpose

  1. Section 1. – Purpose
    The purpose of the Society shall be the advancement of neurological surgery in all of its aspects by:

    1. Facilitating the personal association of neurological surgeons in Asia and Australasia
    2. Developing training programs for neurological surgeons.
    3. Aiding in the development of neurosurgical services in developing countries within the scope of this organization.
    4. Fostering and aiding research in neurological surgery and allied sciences.
  2. Section 2. Means of Achieving Purpose
    A primary means of achieving these purposes shall be the holding of the Asian Australasian Congress of Neurological Surgery (hereinafter designated as “Congress”), at intervals of two years. Arrangements may be made for related scientific groups to participate in these meetings, whenever the Society deems that such participation may contribute to the purposes stated in the Constitution.
  3. Section 3. Other Activities
    The Society may engage in such other activities as are appropriate to its purpose at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
  4. Section 4. A Not-for-Profit Continental Organisation
    The Society is incorporated as a company in Singapore. Although it does not have tax-exempt status, it functions as a not-for-profit organisation of the neurosurgical societies of Asia and Australasia, viewed as either a geographical or cultural entity and of individual members.
  5. Section 5. A Continental Association of Neurosurgical Societies of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies.
    As one of the continental associations, the Society is a member of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS). The Society may make proposals to and receive suggestions from the WFNS.

ARTICLE III – Membership

  1. Section 1. Organisation
    All national neurosurgical societies of countries from Asia and Australasia, who are members of the WFNS, are members of the Society. Additional Countries may be added to the Society on a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
    This Society was founded by individual neurological surgeons from Asia Australasia. As the continental association for neurological surgeons in Asia Australasia, all individual neurological surgeons who are members of national neurosurgical societies in Asia and Australasia, are members of this Society.
  2. Section 2. Application for membership
    The Society will review applications by neurosurgical societies in Asia and Australasia for membership to the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies. A copy of the constitution of the society, a statement of its qualifications for membership, and a list of the officers and members will be required for this purpose.
  3. Section 3. Individual members
    The Society currently does not have individual members.

ARTICLE IV – Officers – Qualifications, Elections, Terms, Duties of Officers

  1. Section 1. Elected Officers
    There shall be elected officers of the Society. The Officers of the Society shall be as follows:-

    1. Honorary Presidents
    2. President
    3. Two Vice-Presidents
    4. Secretary-General
    5. Treasurer
    6. President of the Asian Australasian Congress
  2. Section 2. General Qualifications
    All officers of the Society at the time of their election shall be active neurological surgeons who are members of their national neurosurgical society in Asia Australasia.These requirements do not apply to neurological surgeons being considered for election as Honorary Presidents.

    No neurological surgeon shall be elected or appointed to more than one office.

  3. Section 3. Election of Officers, Terms, and Duties.
    1. All officers of the Society, except for the Honorary Presidents, shall be elected by members of the Executive Committee, present and voting during a Congress.
    2. All new officers shall assume office at the close of the Congress and shall serve until a successor takes office.
    3. All outgoing officers and committee chairpersons shall prepare and deliver in writing to their successors’ transition information, documents and committee protocols on or before the close of the Executive Committee Meeting at which their successor is elected or appointed to facilitate the ongoing activities of the Society.
    4. The President and Vice-Presidents of the Society may not be re-elected to the same office for an immediately succeeding term. The other officers of the Society may be re-elected.
  4. Section 4. Duties of Officers of the Society
    1. Honorary Presidents.
      All Honorary Presidents shall serve for life. Honorary Presidents may attend and participate in the meetings of the Executive Committee and may vote but may hold no other office. At the discretion of the President, they may serve on committees. Past presidents of the Society and members of the Society who have contributed outstanding and professional services to the Society may be elected to Honorary President status. With an affirmative vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Executive Committee, present and voting, a candidate may be elected as an Honorary President.
    2. President.
      The President shall serve as Chairperson of the Executive Committee and of the Administrative Council shall be an ex-officio member of all other Committees. The President shall exercise the usual authority and assume the responsibilities of the president of a scientific society. The President shall appoint the chairpersons of the various committees of the Society. The President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall be empowered to fill any vacancy, which may arise in the offices of the Society and their committees if not otherwise provided in these Bylaws. At the end of his/her term of office, the President shall become automatically an Honorary President of the Society, unless, otherwise decided by the Executive Committee.
    3. Vice-Presidents.
      The two Vice-presidents shall assist the President in his duties. The two Vice-Presidents shall decide who among the two of them, who shall assume the duties of the President if the President is absent, ill, resigns, dies or, for any other reason, is unable to fulfill the duties of the Office
    4. Secretary-General.
      The Secretary-General shall act as the communications officer for the organization, reminding officers and committee chairs of deadlines for their activity and for the bylaws specification for their work. The Secretary shall assume the usual duties and responsibilities of a secretary of a scientific society and shall confine attention to those matters particularly related to the Society. He or she should be responsible for the ongoing records of the Society. Some of these duties may be delegated to the Society’s association manager but the Secretary shall be responsible for their execution.
    5. Treasurer.
      The Treasurer shall assume the duties and responsibilities common to this office. The Treasurer shall accept all dues and other moneys received by the Society and shall deposit them in the Society’s bank account. The treasurer shall expend the funds of the Society in accordance with the policies and budget approved by the Executive Committee. At the discretion of the Executive Committee, more than one signature may be required on bank checks and all other documents. The Treasurer shall provide to the Executive Committee an operating statement and balance sheet at intervals of no longer than twelve (12) months and, preferably, at intervals of six (6) months, or more frequently, when there is greater financial activity, such as that which precedes and follows a Congress. An interim budget and balance sheet should be presented at each meeting of the Executive committee. The Treasurer shall supply to the Audit Committee copies of treasury records prior to the meeting of the Congress. A report of the Audit Committee shall be presented to the Executive Committee during its meeting at the time of the Congress. Some of these duties may be delegated to the Society’s association manager but the Treasurer shall be responsible for their execution.
    6. President of the Congress
      The President of the Congress shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Congress. The President of the Congress shall exercise the usual duties and responsibilities of a President of a scientific society but shall confine attention to those matters related specifically to the Congress. The President of the Congress shall appoint Special (Ad Hoc) committees of the Congress as necessary to carry out its functions.

    ARTICLE V – Committees: Composition, Elections, Appointments, Meetings, Terms and Duties

    There shall be an Executive Committee, an Administrative Council, Standing, Special, and other Committees of the Society.

    Members of all Standing Committees of the Society shall be elected for four (4) years. Members of Special (Ad Hoc) Committees shall be appointed for a period of time at the pleasure of the President.

    All outgoing Committee Chairpersons shall prepare and deliver to their successor transition information and documents promptly to facilitate the ongoing activities of the Society and Congress.

    When deemed appropriate and/or important, one or more members of a standing or ad hoc committee may be re-elected or reappointed. In any event, one member of each committee, or its Chairperson, may continue for another four (4) years as an ex-officio member of the new committee to provide understanding and continuity of effort. Chairpersons of Standing Committees may serve a maximum of two (2) full terms (eight (8) years). No member may chair more than one (1) committee.

    The President, Vice-Presidents, and Secretary-General are ex-officio members of all committees.

    1. Section 1. Executive Committee – Composition, Meetings, Duties
      1. Composition
        The Executive Committee shall be composed of:

        1. All the Officers of the Asian and Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons
        2. All the delegates from each member national neurosurgical society of the Society. Each national neurosurgical society shall be represented by two (2) delegates who must be active neurological surgeons and active members of their society.
        3. Only officers and delegates shall have the right to a single vote.
        4. A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be determined by the presence of one third (1/3) or more of its voting members. In the event that a properly called meeting of the Executive Committee is adjourned because of a lack of a quorum, and only after notice is given at that time, a meeting of the Executive Committee may be reset for the next day at a given time and place, provided that at least twenty (10) members of the Executive Committee, including a quorum (three (3) members) of the Administrative Council are present at the time of the reset meeting. That reset meeting shall be considered a proper meeting of the Executive Committee and those present shall be considered a quorum for conducting business.
      2. Meetings
        1. The Executive Committee shall meet during each Congress and at such other times as the Administrative Council or Executive Committee shall designate. The Secretary-General should inform the Executive Committee members of the dates of these meetings at least two months before the meeting and should include minutes of the previous Executive Committee meeting unless previously distributed.
        2. During the interim between Congresses, the Executive Committee shall meet at least once at such time and in such place as the Administrative Council shall designate. The members of the Executive Committee shall be notified of the time and place of each meeting by the Secretary-General at least three (3) months in advance of the time of the meeting. A preliminary agenda shall be included with the notice of the meeting. The minutes of the previous Executive Committee meeting shall be included with this notice unless previously distributed.
        3. The meetings of the Executive Committee can take place physically or can be conducted electronically via video-conferencing or any other future prescribed electronic means
      3. Duties
        The Executive Committee shall:

        1. Serve as the governing body of the Asian and Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons.
        2. Elect all officers of the Society.
        3. Determine the place and date of the next Congress in advance.
        4. Determine the dues to be charged each individual member.
        5. Propose, consider and elect organizations and societies as members of the Society
        6. The Executive may appoint further Committees as it considers necessary from time to time, as defined in the Society By-laws.
        7. Have other powers as may be defined in the Society By-laws.
    2. Section 2. –Administrative Council
      1. Composition
        The Administrative Council of the Society shall be composed of the following seven (7) voting members:

        1. President
        2. Two Vice-Presidents
        3. Secretary-General
        4. Treasurer
        5. President of the Congress
        6. Immediate Past-President
      2. Duties
        1. The Administrative Council shall be responsible for the operational management of the Society, subject to supervision by the Executive Committee as the governing body of the Society. At least four (4) affirmative votes shall be required for the Council to take action.
        2. The Administrative Council shall give a report of its actions and recommendations for ratification and/or consideration at the next Executive Committee meeting.
        3. Voting can be done by electronic means – by e-mail, during video-conferencing or any other future prescribed electronic means
      3. Attendance at Council Meeting
        1. Customary attendees at the Administrative Council meetings include the Chairs of the Standing Committees of the Society; they may not vote.
        2. The President of the Society may invite other persons to attend a meeting of the Administrative Council; they may participate in discussion only by invitation from the President. Such a guest shall not vote.
        3. Councils meetings can take place physically or can be conducted electronically via video- conferencing or any other future prescribed electronic means
    3. Section 3 – Standing Committees
      The Society shall have the following Committees which will hold office for 4 years and will be elected by the Executive Committee.

      1. Scientific Program Committee
      2. Education Committee
      3. Neurotrauma Committee

    ARTICLE VI – Rules of Order

    1. Section 1. Rules of Order
      The meetings of the Executive Committee of the Society shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of order and the procedures, which commonly govern deliberative bodies. The President shall make all rulings on all questions. All cases of question or argument concerning rules of order or procedure that are not specifically stated or covered and written in this Constitution, or in these Bylaws, shall be resolved in accordance with the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.
    2. Section 2. Official Language
      The language of the Society and the Congress shall be English.

    ARTICLE VII – Amendments of the Constitution and By-Laws.

    1. Section 1. Amendments to the Constitution
      Amendments and changes to this Constitution may be made at any meeting of the Executive Committee on the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the members present and voting, provided that written or electronic notice of the proposed changes is submitted to all members of the Executive Committee at least six (6) months prior to that meeting. An amendment of the Constitution shall be null and void if not made by notarial instrument.
    2. Section 2. By-Laws
      There shall be a separate, written set of Bylaws for the Society to supplement this Constitution so as to facilitate the operations, goals, and mission of the Asian Australasian Society of Neurological Surgeons. Amendments and changes to the Society Bylaws may be made at any meeting of the Executive Committee on the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present and voting, provided that written or electronic notice of the proposed changes is submitted to every member of the Executive Committee at least six (6) months prior to the meeting.
    3. Section 3. Procedure
      The member proposing the alterations or amendments shall be responsible for providing copies or electronic files of the proposed changes to the Constitution or Bylaws, written in English, to the Secretary-General, who will then forward them to members of the Executive Committee.

    Protocol for Bidding to Host and Voting of the Venue of the Asian Australasian Congress of Neurological Surgery (AACNS)

    1. Procedure for putting forth bids to host the Asian Australasian Congress of Neurological Surgery (AACNS)Bids for hosting the next Asian Australasian Congress of Neurological Surgery (AACNS) will be decided at the EC Meeting during the current Congress.A complete proposal must be received by the Secretary-General of the Society 6 months in advance of the current Congress, during which it will be voted. Bids received will be reviewed by the Administrative Council, and when found to be in order, the society presenting the bid will be asked to make a presentation during the Executive Committee held during the Congress, at which the bids will be voted.

      The proposal for the bid should contain the following:

        • Letter of invitation from the President of the Society proposing to host the meeting
        • Neurological Surgery activities in the Society bidding for the Event
        • Scientific and organizational essentials
        • Entrance into the country visa requirements, etc, accessibility and local transport
        • Description of Congress facilities
        • Hotel and lodging facilities
        • Recreation and cultural activities
        • Reasons why the Society bidding for the Event is a logical choice
        • Solid financial basis and preliminary budge
        • Guaranteed contribution to the AASNS
        • Efficient use of Meeting facilities
        • Stay-over costs

        It is also necessary and mandatory that the bidding Society provides the AASNS with all the information possible regarding the local currency and tax regulations, as well as those regulations controlling the transfer of funds to and from the country). An Official Certificate signed by an authorized Governmental Agency stating that non-expended funds would be allowed to be transferred to the current bank of the Society within three (3) to six (6) months from the end of the Event is a non-waived condition to accept the bid.

      4. FACILITIES AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION (brochures, photos, plans, etc.) on:
        • Information on the Exhibition and/or Congress Centre to be used
        • Congress infrastructure
        • Tourist Office information
    2. Procedure for Voting
      Potential host Countries bidding for the venue of the Asian Australasian Congress of Neurological Surgery (AACNS) should be given a reasonably equal time to formally present their bid-invitation to the Executive Committee (EC), once the item comes up on the agenda.The order of presentation will be alphabetically by Country. A short period of questioning and clarification should be permitted after each individual presentation.

      After all the presentations/invitations have been made, the Chair shall declare a short recess so that informal conversation and contacts can be made between voting members. Following the recess, voting shall commence by written, secret ballot. The President shall appoint two election tellers from the members present at the EC. The Secretary shall provide a sufficient number of color-coded ballots with different colors for each voting procedure. A majority (50%+1) of the ballots cast by Members present and voting (Quorum: 1/3 of the Executive Committee full membership) is required to elect the host Country.

      All Countries bidding for the venue shall be included in writing on the first and second ballots, should a majority have not been attained on the first ballot. Here onwards, should a majority have not been attained at the second ballot, there shall be a series of additional ballots until a majority is achieved. From the third ballot onwards, the Country with the smallest number of votes shall be dropped from consideration and the voters shall be instructed to delete the name of any such dropped host Country candidates.

      After each ballot’s result is announced there should be a five-minute recess to allow voting members to communicate and negotiate with each other to allow maximum fairness.